Murder Mystery: Why Invitation2Murder Does It Better

Why Invitation2Murder is a Great Choice For the adventurous and mystery-loving, nothing beats a well-executed murder mystery event. These events allow participants to immerse themselves in a thrilling world of intrigue, deception, and mystery. However, as with any event, things can go wrong. That's why Invitation2Murder focus so much on [...]

Murder Mystery: Why Invitation2Murder Does It Better2024-02-17T08:23:33+00:00

Murder Mystery Theatre: It shouldn’t happen to a murderer

Murder Mystery Theatre: it Really Shouldn't Happen! In the frantic arena of a live interactive murder mystery theatre event, it is sometimes difficult to keep a straight face, and the poor actor will inevitably 'corpse' (no pun intended). An actor can find themselves playing a police officer intent on solving [...]

Murder Mystery Theatre: It shouldn’t happen to a murderer2024-02-17T10:48:03+00:00

Murder Mystery Wedding: It shouldn’t happen Part 2!

Murder Mystery Wedding: What's Not Supposed to Happen A murder mystery wedding is an extremely popular plot and makes an ideal show; we have performed countless wedding scenarios across the years. Indeed, on one occasion, we had a double wedding, where we performed one of our wedding plots alongside a [...]

Murder Mystery Wedding: It shouldn’t happen Part 2!2024-02-17T15:07:10+00:00
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